Setup your environment.

In order to experiment with this contracts, you'll need to

1.- Clone the SoroswapFinance core repo:

git clone

2.- Run the script

cd core
bash standalone

This script will create the soroban-network Docker network, and will open two Docker containers: (a) A Stellar Quickstart container that will be used to run a local standalone soroban blockchain. (b) A Soroban-Preview docker container. Currently in PREVIEW-9

This last container is important for developers that might be developing different projects with different SDK versions. Currently, Soroswap.Finance is supporting PREVIEW-9, so the Docker image to be used will be:

  • stellar/quickstart:soroban-dev@sha256:a057ec6f06c6702c005693f8265ed1261e901b153a754e97cf18b0962257e872

  • esteblock/soroban-preview:9

3.- Enter to the soroban-preview-9 docker container in order to run scripts inside:

docker exec -it soroban-preview-9 bash

Also, if you don't want to copy or write this line all the time, you can just run the script


As this is optional, this is important to be able to interact with the protocol using the correct soroban CLI version.

Once you are inside the soroban-preview-9 container, you are ready to experiment with the SoroswapPair or the SoroswapFactory contract!

Last updated