
Multihop Swap

The Phoenix Protocol enables swaps across multiple liquidity pools through a specialized smart contract known as Multihop. This section outlines the key features and usage of the Multihop contract.

Swap Function Parameters

The primary function of interest in Multihop is swap, which accepts the following parameters:

  • recipient: The address of the contract designated to receive the swapped amount.

  • referral: An optional address for the referral entity. If provided, this entity receives a commission bonus for the swap. (Note: This feature is currently commented out in the contract.)

  • operations: A vector (Vec<Swap>) detailing the swap operations, including addresses of the assets being asked for and offered.

  • max_belief_price: An optional i64 value representing the maximum price the user is willing to accept for the swap.

  • max_spread_bps: An optional i64 value indicating the maximum permitted spread (in basis points) between the asking and offering prices.

  • amount: An i128 value specifying the amount offered for the swap.

Swap Struct

Multihop processes an array of Swap structures. Here is the Swap struct definition in Rust:

pub struct Swap {
    pub ask_asset: Address,
    pub offer_asset: Address,

For a successful operation, the contract iterates through this array, retrieves the corresponding pool address from the factory using ask_asset and offer_asset, and then executes the swaps. The array structure is crucial and should follow this pattern: [{token_a, token_b}, {token_b, token_c}, {token_c, token_d}]. If a user wishes to swap token_a for token_d, they must specify the intermediary pairs. A panic occurs if any pair lacks an existing liquidity pool.

Swap Function Implementation

Below is a code snippet illustrating the implementation of the swap function:

let mut next_offer_amount: i128 = amount;
let factory_client = factory_contract::Client::new(&env, &get_factory(&env));

operations.iter().for_each(|op| {
  let liquidity_pool_addr: Address = factory_client
      .query_for_pool_by_token_pair(&op.clone().offer_asset, &op.ask_asset.clone());

  let lp_client = lp_contract::Client::new(&env, &liquidity_pool_addr);
  next_offer_amount = lp_client.swap(

Factory Contract

The factory contract is a crucial component of Phoenix Protocol, offering various functions to manage and retrieve information about liquidity pools:

Key Functions

  • query_pools(env: Env) -> Vec<Address>: Returns a vector of addresses for all pools.

  • query_pool_details(env: Env, pool_address: Address) -> LiquidityPoolInfo: Retrieves details of a specific pool.

  • query_all_pools_details(env: Env) -> Vec<LiquidityPoolInfo>: Obtains details for all pools.

  • query_for_pool_by_token_pair(env: Env, token_a: Address, token_b: Address) -> Address: Fetches the address of a specific pool based on token pair addresses.

The Multihop contract predominantly uses query_for_pool_by_token_pair() to acquire the address of a specific liquidity pool based on the provided token addresses.

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