The SoroswapRouter contract is a smart contract on the Soroban blockchain that provides functions for token swapping and liquidity management in token pairs. It is designed for use in decentralized exchanges (DEX) and other DeFi applications on the Soroban platform.
Check the code here:
Here is the contract interface:
pub trait SoroswapRouterTrait {
/// Initializes the contract and sets the factory address
fn initialize(e: Env, factory: Address) -> Result<(), CombinedRouterError>;
/// Adds liquidity to a token pair's pool, creating it if it doesn't exist. Ensures that exactly the desired amounts
/// of both tokens are added, subject to minimum requirements.
/// This function is responsible for transferring tokens from the user to the pool and minting liquidity tokens in return.
/// # Arguments
/// * `e` - The contract environment (`Env`) in which the contract is executing.
/// * `token_a` - The address of the first token to add liquidity for.
/// * `token_b` - The address of the second token to add liquidity for.
/// * `amount_a_desired` - The desired amount of the first token to add.
/// * `amount_b_desired` - The desired amount of the second token to add.
/// * `amount_a_min` - The minimum required amount of the first token to add.
/// * `amount_b_min` - The minimum required amount of the second token to add.
/// * `to` - The address where the liquidity tokens will be minted and sent.
/// * `deadline` - The deadline for executing the operation.
/// # Returns
/// A tuple containing the actual amounts of token A and B added to the pool, as well as the amount of liquidity tokens minted.
fn add_liquidity(
e: Env,
token_a: Address,
token_b: Address,
amount_a_desired: i128,
amount_b_desired: i128,
amount_a_min: i128,
amount_b_min: i128,
to: Address,
deadline: u64,
) -> Result<(i128, i128, i128), CombinedRouterError>;
/// Removes liquidity from a token pair's pool.
/// This function facilitates the removal of liquidity from a Soroswap Liquidity Pool by burning a specified amount
/// of Liquidity Pool tokens (`liquidity`) owned by the caller. In return, it transfers back the corresponding
/// amounts of the paired tokens (`token_a` and `token_b`) to the caller's specified address (`to`).
/// # Arguments
/// * `token_a` - The address of the first token in the Liquidity Pool.
/// * `token_b` - The address of the second token in the Liquidity Pool.
/// * `liquidity` - The desired amount of Liquidity Pool tokens to be burned.
/// * `amount_a_min` - The minimum required amount of the first token to receive.
/// * `amount_b_min` - The minimum required amount of the second token to receive.
/// * `to` - The address where the paired tokens will be sent to, and from where the LP tokens will be taken.
/// * `deadline` - The deadline for executing the operation.
/// # Returns
/// A tuple containing the amounts of `token_a` and `token_b` withdrawn from the pool.
fn remove_liquidity(
e: Env,
token_a: Address,
token_b: Address,
liquidity: i128,
amount_a_min: i128,
amount_b_min: i128,
to: Address,
deadline: u64,
) -> Result<(i128, i128), CombinedRouterError>;
/// Swaps an exact amount of input tokens for as many output tokens as possible
/// along the specified trading route. The route is determined by the `path` vector,
/// where the first element is the input token, the last is the output token,
/// and any intermediate elements represent pairs to trade through if a direct pair does not exist.
/// # Arguments
/// * `amount_in` - The exact amount of input tokens to be swapped.
/// * `amount_out_min` - The minimum required amount of output tokens to receive.
/// * `path` - A vector representing the trading route, where the first element is the input token
/// and the last is the output token. Intermediate elements represent pairs to trade through.
/// * `to` - The address where the output tokens will be sent to.
/// * `deadline` - The deadline for executing the operation.
/// # Returns
/// A vector containing the amounts of tokens received at each step of the trading route.
fn swap_exact_tokens_for_tokens(
e: Env,
amount_in: i128,
amount_out_min: i128,
path: Vec<Address>,
to: Address,
deadline: u64,
) -> Result<Vec<i128>, CombinedRouterError>;
/// Swaps tokens for an exact amount of output token, following the specified trading route.
/// The route is determined by the `path` vector, where the first element is the input token,
/// the last is the output token, and any intermediate elements represent pairs to trade through.
/// # Arguments
/// * `amount_out` - The exact amount of output token to be received.
/// * `amount_in_max` - The maximum allowed amount of input tokens to be swapped.
/// * `path` - A vector representing the trading route, where the first element is the input token
/// and the last is the output token. Intermediate elements represent pairs to trade through.
/// * `to` - The address where the output tokens will be sent to.
/// * `deadline` - The deadline for executing the operation.
/// # Returns
/// A vector containing the amounts of tokens used at each step of the trading route.
fn swap_tokens_for_exact_tokens(
e: Env,
amount_out: i128,
amount_in_max: i128,
path: Vec<Address>,
to: Address,
deadline: u64,
) -> Result<Vec<i128>, CombinedRouterError>;
/* *** Read only functions: *** */
/// This function retrieves the factory contract's address associated with the provided environment.
/// It also checks if the factory has been initialized and raises an assertion error if not.
/// If the factory is not initialized, this code will raise an assertion error with the message "SoroswapRouter: not yet initialized".
/// # Arguments
/// * `e` - The contract environment (`Env`) in which the contract is executing.
fn get_factory(e: Env) -> Result<Address, CombinedRouterError>;
/// Calculates the deterministic address for a pair without making any external calls.
/// check <>
/// # Arguments
/// * `e` - The environment.
/// * `token_a` - The address of the first token.
/// * `token_b` - The address of the second token.
/// # Returns
/// Returns `Result<Address, SoroswapLibraryError>` where `Ok` contains the deterministic address for the pair, and `Err` indicates an error such as identical tokens or an issue with sorting.
fn router_pair_for(e: Env, token_a: Address, token_b: Address) -> Result<Address, CombinedRouterError>;
/// Given some amount of an asset and pair reserves, returns an equivalent amount of the other asset.
/// # Arguments
/// * `amount_a` - The amount of the first asset.
/// * `reserve_a` - Reserves of the first asset in the pair.
/// * `reserve_b` - Reserves of the second asset in the pair.
/// # Returns
/// Returns `Result<i128, SoroswapLibraryError>` where `Ok` contains the calculated equivalent amount, and `Err` indicates an error such as insufficient amount or liquidity
fn router_quote(amount_a: i128, reserve_a: i128, reserve_b: i128) -> Result<i128, CombinedRouterError>;
/// Given an input amount of an asset and pair reserves, returns the maximum output amount of the other asset.
/// # Arguments
/// * `amount_in` - The input amount of the asset.
/// * `reserve_in` - Reserves of the input asset in the pair.
/// * `reserve_out` - Reserves of the output asset in the pair.
/// # Returns
/// Returns `Result<i128, SoroswapLibraryError>` where `Ok` contains the calculated maximum output amount, and `Err` indicates an error such as insufficient input amount or liquidity.
fn router_get_amount_out(amount_in: i128, reserve_in: i128, reserve_out: i128) -> Result<i128, CombinedRouterError>;
/// Given an output amount of an asset and pair reserves, returns a required input amount of the other asset.
/// # Arguments
/// * `amount_out` - The output amount of the asset.
/// * `reserve_in` - Reserves of the input asset in the pair.
/// * `reserve_out` - Reserves of the output asset in the pair.
/// # Returns
/// Returns `Result<i128, SoroswapLibraryError>` where `Ok` contains the required input amount, and `Err` indicates an error such as insufficient output amount or liquidity.
fn router_get_amount_in(amount_out: i128, reserve_in: i128, reserve_out: i128) -> Result<i128, CombinedRouterError>;
/// Performs chained get_amount_out calculations on any number of pairs.
/// # Arguments
/// * `e` - The environment.
/// * `amount_in` - The input amount.
/// * `path` - Vector of token addresses representing the path.
/// # Returns
/// Returns `Result<Vec<i128>, SoroswapLibraryError>` where `Ok` contains a vector of calculated amounts, and `Err` indicates an error such as an invalid path.
fn router_get_amounts_out(e: Env, amount_in: i128, path: Vec<Address>) -> Result<Vec<i128>, CombinedRouterError>;
/// Performs chained get_amount_in calculations on any number of pairs.
/// # Arguments
/// * `e` - The environment.
/// * `amount_out` - The output amount.
/// * `path` - Vector of token addresses representing the path.
/// # Returns
/// Returns `Result<Vec<i128>, SoroswapLibraryError>` where `Ok` contains a vector of calculated amounts, and `Err` indicates an error such as an invalid path.
fn router_get_amounts_in(e: Env, amount_out: i128, path: Vec<Address>) -> Result<Vec<i128>, CombinedRouterError>;
initialize(e: Env, factory: Address)
Initializes the router contract by setting the address of the factory contract, which manages pairs of tokens. This function should be called once to set up the router.
e (Env): The contract environment.
factory (Address): The address of the factory contract.
Liquidity Management
add_liquidity(e: Env, token_a: Address, token
_b: Address, amount_a_desired: i128, amount_b_desired: i128, amount_a_min: i
Adds liquidity to a token pair's pool, creating it if it doesn't exist. Ensures that exactly the desired amounts of both tokens are added, subject to minimum requirements. This function is responsible for transferring tokens from the user to the pool and minting liquidity tokens in return.
e (Env): The contract environment.
token_a (Address): The address of the first token.
token_b (Address): The address of the second token.
amount_a_desired (i128): The desired amount of the first token.
amount_b_desired (i128): The desired amount of the second token.
amount_a_min (i128): The minimum required amount of the first token.
amount_b_min (i128): The minimum required amount of the second token.
to (Address): The address where the liquidity tokens will be minted and sent.
deadline (u64): The deadline for executing the operation.
Returns a tuple containing:
amount_a (i128): The actual amount of the first token added to the pool.
amount_b (i128): The actual amount of the second token added to the pool.
liquidity (i128): The amount of liquidity tokens minted.
Removes liquidity from a pool of token pairs. It transfers liquidity tokens from the user to the pool and returns the corresponding amounts of the two tokens.
e (Env): The contract environment.
token_a (Address): The address of the first token.
token_b (Address): The address of the second token.
liquidity (i128): The amount of liquidity tokens to remove.
amount_a_min (i128): The minimum required amount of the first token.
amount_b_min (i128): The minimum required amount of the second token.
to (Address): The address where the removed tokens will be sent.
deadline (u64): The deadline for executing the operation.
Returns a tuple containing:
amount_a (i128): The actual amount of the first token received.
amount_b (i128): The actual amount of the second token received.
Swaps an exact amount of input tokens for as many output tokens as possible. The swapping route is determined by the provided path, where the first element is the input token and the last is the output token.
e (Env): The contract environment.
amount_in (i128): The exact amount of input tokens to swap.
amount_out_min (i128): The minimum required amount of output tokens.
path (Vec): An array of token addresses representing the swap route.
to (Address): The address where the output tokens will be sent.
deadline (u64): The deadline for executing the operation.
Returns an array of amounts that represent the actual output tokens received.
Swaps tokens for an exact amount of output tokens. The swapping route is determined by the provided path, where the first element is the input token and the last is the output token.
e (Env): The contract environment.
amount_out (i128): The exact amount of output tokens to receive.
amount_in_max (i128): The maximum allowed amount of input tokens.
path (Vec): An array of token addresses representing the swap route.
to (Address): The address where the input tokens will be taken from.
deadline (u64): The deadline for executing the operation.
Returns an array of amounts that represent the actual input tokens used for the swap.
Library Functions
These functions exist in the SoroswapRouter contract, but will use the SoroswapLibrary code:
Performs chained getAmountOut calculations on any number of pairs. Given an input amount, it calculates the expected output amounts through the specified token path.
Performs chained getAmountIn calculations on any number of pairs. Given an output amount, it calculates the required input amounts through the specified token path.
These library functions are used in the router to facilitate various operations, such as estimating amounts, performing swaps, and managing liquidity. They play a crucial role in ensuring accurate and efficient token exchange within the Soroswap ecosystem.