Error Codes

Error Codes in the Soroswap AMM Smart Contractws are organized by Contrract

SoroswapPair returns errors in 100s

SoroswapFactory returns errors in 200s

SorowsapRouter returns errors in 500s

pub enum SoroswapPairError {
    /// SoroswapPair: already initialized
    InitializeAlreadyInitialized = 101,
    /// SoroswapPair: not yet initialized
    NotInitialized = 102,

    /// SoroswapPair: token_0 must be less than token_1 while initializing
    InitializeTokenOrderInvalid = 103,

    /// SoroswapPair: insufficient amount of token 0 sent while doing deposit
    DepositInsufficientAmountToken0 = 104,
    /// SoroswapPair: insufficient amount of token 1 sent while doing deposit
    DepositInsufficientAmountToken1 = 105,
    /// SoroswapPair: insufficient first liquidity minted while doing deposit
    DepositInsufficientFirstLiquidity = 106,
    /// SoroswapPair: insufficient liquidity minted while doing deposit
    DepositInsufficientLiquidityMinted = 107,
    /// SoroswapPair: insufficient output amount while doing deposDepositit

    SwapInsufficientOutputAmount = 108,
    /// SoroswapPair: negatives amounts out dont supported while doing swap
    SwapNegativesOutNotSupported = 109,
    /// SoroswapPair: insufficient liquidity to do the swap
    SwapInsufficientLiquidity = 110,
    /// SoroswapPair: invalid to to do the swap
    SwapInvalidTo = 111,
    /// SoroswapPair: insufficient input amount while doing swap
    SwapInsufficientInputAmount = 112,
    /// SoroswapPair: negatives amounts in dont supported while doing swap
    SwapNegativesInNotSupported = 113,
    /// SoroswapPair: K constant is not met while doing swap
    SwapKConstantNotMet = 114,

    /// SoroswapPair: liquidity was not initialized yet while doing withdraw
    WithdrawLiquidityNotInitialized = 115,
    /// SoroswapPair: insufficient sent shares while doing withdraw
    WithdrawInsufficientSentShares = 116,
    /// SoroswapPair: insufficient liquidity burned while doing withdraw
    WithdrawInsufficientLiquidityBurned = 117,

    /// SoroswapPair: OVERFLOW while updating
    UpdateOverflow = 118,

pub enum FactoryError {
    /// SoroswapFactory: not yet initialized
    NotInitialized = 201,

    /// SoroswapFactory: token_a and token_b have identical addresses
    CreatePairIdenticalTokens = 202,
    /// SoroswapFactory: pair already exists between token_a and token_b
    CreatePairAlreadyExists = 203,

    /// SoroswapFactory: already initialized
    InitializeAlreadyInitialized = 204,

    /// SoroswapFactory: pair does not exist
    PairDoesNotExist = 205,

    /// SoroswapFactory: index does not exist
    IndexDoesNotExist = 206,

pub enum CombinedRouterError {
    RouterNotInitialized = 501,
    RouterNegativeNotAllowed = 502,
    RouterDeadlineExpired = 503,
    RouterInitializeAlreadyInitialized = 504,
    RouterInsufficientAAmount = 505,
    RouterInsufficientBAmount = 506,
    RouterInsufficientOutputAmount = 507,
    RouterExcessiveInputAmount = 508,
    RouterPairDoesNotExist = 509,

    LibraryInsufficientAmount = 510,
    LibraryInsufficientLiquidity = 511,
    LibraryInsufficientInputAmount = 512,
    LibraryInsufficientOutputAmount = 513,
    LibraryInvalidPath = 514,
    LibrarySortIdenticalTokens = 515,

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